September 1, 2010

HAZRAT INAYAT KHAN - "You Ask For Bread Because You Are Meant To Have Bread" - HONORING HEJIRAT DAY

Remember therefore that in a small affair or in a big affair first consult yourself and find out if there is no conflict in your own being about anything you want to do. And when you find no conflict there then feel sure that a path is already made for you. You have but to open your eyes and take a step forward, and the other step will be led by God.If success appears before you on the horizon or if it is not yet manifested to your view, in both cases be sure that constant perseverance, patience, and trust in God will lead you to the fulfillment of your desire. As it is said in the Bible, "If you ask bread your Father will not give you a stone." In other words, you ask bread because you are meant to have bread, - there fore you ask bread. You ask bread because the bread is baked for you, made for you, therefore you ask. It is there for you if only your attitude is right, if you wish and you ask and you desire to attain something which you think is right and just and good.

It is difficult for that person who thinks, "In order to deserve the bountiful gifts of God, in order to deserve or expect a success in life one must be worthy." What is man after all? A child, whatever be his age, before God. What are his virtues? Not even worth a drop compared with the ocean. What can he do to deserve and to be worthy? If he can only be natural, think aright, act aright, speak aright, and trust in the love and compassion of God, that is quite sufficient.

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