September 11, 2010

HAZRAT INAYAT KHAN -While I Was Roaming Through The Forest - - In Honor of Hejirat Day In Honor of Hejirat Day

While I was roaming through the forest, a thorn pricked my bare foot and cried, "Ah, you have crushed me." 
I felt sorry and I asked its forgiveness. 

A wasp flying in the air stung my arm and cried, "Ah, you have caught me in your sleeve." 
I felt sorry and I asked its forgiveness. 

My foot slipped and I fell in a pool of muddy water. The water cried, "Ah, you have disturbed me." 
I felt sorry and I asked its forgiveness. 

I absently happened to touch a burning fire, and the fire cried, "Ah, you have extinguished me." 
I felt sorry and I asked its forgiveness. 

I asked my gentle self, "Have you received any harm?" 
Be thankful," said she, "that is was not worse."

photo: Murshid in Sufi Garden
Courtesy of the Sufi Movement

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